Linking with a fast, reliable server is critical for trading. With fast moving markets like Forex, you want the real-time access of a server that’s always on and delivers high speed.

A VPS for Trive gives you the speed and continuous access to empower your trading. Plus, your Trive VPS lets you optimise the Trive platforms’ features and capabilities.

Get closer to the markets

A Trive VPS lets you execute trades using Expert Advisors (EAs) quicker and easier. So, you can take advantage of high-impact events, or set up trades for automatic placement directly into the market. Our VPS solution allows direct market liquidity access as it’s housed just metres from where most FX transactions are conducted.

How to order a VPS

If you’re an existing Trive client you can order a VPS server through our Client Portal in the Tools section.


VPS servers are provided by industry leader ForexVPS, features:

  • Low latency to our trade servers.
  • 24/7 technical support from ForexVPS.
  • Trive Trive are pre-installed.

VPS servers will be complementary for clients who meet a minimum trading volume requirement of 10 standard FX/Gold lots (5 lots round trip) per billing month. If volume requirement isn’t met a VPS fee of $25USD will be charged.

Please contact Support for any queries regarding our VPS offering, including requests for a higher spec VPS.

Benefits for using VPS for Trive

Continuous access and running of Algos and EAs

Remote, real-time access to your trading

Advanced, fully-equipped trading environment

No need for additional computers or back-ups

Direct access to global FX liquidity

How to access Trive free VPS